Thursday, 8 June 2017

Beautiful nonsense

Beautiful nonsense
I struggled with this a long time ago, and I know a lot of people are going through the struggle also, "secular music". I won't over look the fact that secular musicians are immensely talented, very entertaining and their songs have catchy melodies, but negative messages, all they do is to brag about the fame and money they've made, talking about the ladies they laid, how much they love their weed and coke, telling the young people to smoke the weed, drink liquor and shoot there haters like life is a game.
      1cor 10:31 " therefore, whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" whatever you do, do all to the glory of God, that means what ever I listen to, what ever I sing, what ever I dance to, I must do to the glory of God.
This secular music goes against every thing that God stands for, so as a child of God, I'm not to listen, dance or even sing it, it does not glorify my father in heaven.
   I know alot of us want to blend in because that is what the world is listening to, that is the hit music in town, why do you need to blend with the world when you are of God, remember the Bible says friendship with the world is enmity with God, therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
     So let us stop listening and singing songs that go against all what God stands for and let us listen and sing songs that will bring down the presence of God in our midst, let us stop this beautiful nonsense.

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Let us pray

Let us pray
Even for I know that prayer is the key
Even though I was well educated that it is the master key
But with all this knowledge, all I do is grumble
obliviating the fact that I have the key to open and to close any and all doors
The power to bind and to loose
But I allow the ups and downs of life to restrain me and weight me down
Looking at God telling him to do is job, fix my life up because nothing is working, but he seem far away or too busy to hear me.
But lately I realized that he is not the one far away, he is right here with me, he has always been here, am the one that is too blind to see him, not too sensitive to feel him, too deaf to hear him. Meanwhile he has always been here, right in front of me waiting for me to ask, waiting for me to take action, waiting for me to use the key he has given me. The ball was in my court, I mean right there in front of me, but yet, am still looking at the Coach to play for me, while all I needed to do was to put to use all what the coach taught me.
Matthew 7:7, mark 11:24, John 14:13-14 and 1john 5:14, all this verses I read and          almost on a daily basis, I read these verses more then I can remember, yet am still not putting them into action.
Now, knowing that am the one at fault, I thereby refuse to remain myopia, I refuse to continue gazing at the stars waiting for God to do something. But from this day forward, I will go down on my knees and talk to my God, for I know he shall supply my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
So dear believer, am asking you to have faith and simply seek his face, even when he seem far away, please remember that he is just one prayer away, so let us stop complaining about what ever life throw at us. Let us pray.................. In Jesus name


Broken heart

Broken heart
There are too many people that say they got your back and as soon as you turn around, you look back just to see them no more, then you start blaming yourself that you should have known from the start. Hey you, you have a lover that the only thing you get in common is that you have nothing in common, you gave your lover  your heart, and right in your presence she started dissecting it, like it's some kinda laboratory specimen, then you started looking for whom to blame, but yourself, for being a fool to have believed in fairy tale of love .
OK now you know what it means to be heart broken? You now know how it feels to give much and get nothing in return? You know what it feels like to give someone your all and never get a single piece of the person? Now that you know, hope you can relate it to how you broke God's heart countless number of times. Literally, if God has a visible heart, only you has pieced it to the smallest pebble. Remember how you promised God that you will change from your sinful life, kneeling down and crying to him anytime you sin again and again, you've told him you would change a million and one times and never did, I guess apologizes don't mean a thing if you don't ever fix it.
Someone broke your heart and you hate the world for it, so what do you expect God to do? All you gave her/him was you spent a few bucks and spared some of your time, now they broke your heart, all you wish is the ground to open and consume them. So what should God do? When he gave is only son to die for you, but yet you stuck to your sinful act. So what should he do? Answer me! So my question to you is whose heart is really broken? Think about that!!!


Je lève la main

We only praise God only when something good, quote to quote happens to us, which is not supposed to be like that.  We are supposed to praise God no matter what we are going through, but no, all we do is to just complain and started saying God, "why".
            Remember that when Lazarus died, Jesus didn't start complaining "God why"  but instead he gave praises to God and Lazarus woke up, when  the five thousand men were hungry he did the same by giving thanks and God multiple the bread and fishes that it was even enough and there were even leftovers.
           So in your hard times, instead of complaining, why don't you just lift up your hands and give praises to God, and see if that problem will still remain on your life, remember when you praise God, he come down himself to fight your battle for you.

So don't complain. Lift up your hands


Hold on

I discovered that many are struggling because of the inability to hold on to what they believe in, we all believe in many things and different things, but it is our ability to hold on to that which we believe in, that brings that believe into reality.
The English dictionary defined believe as "To think something is true without having proof or empirical evidence." but even with claims that we believe in something, the believe turns into doubt with a little challenge or obstacle.
Matthew 14: 25 - 31, Peter in this scripture even though believed in Jesus when he asked him to come on the sea, and he totally obeyed Jesus and started walking on the sea, but when he saw the wind, he was afraid and began to sink, he cried out "lord save me!", what made Peter to sink was the fear he had for the wind that made him to loose faith in Jesus, if not for God's mercy Peter would have died because of his inability to hold on to his believe
No matter the matter continue to hold on in what ever you believe in and you will see that believe, no matter how big it is, it will surely become a reality. * # hold_on * * # crowned_artwork
