Thursday 8 June 2017

Hold on

I discovered that many are struggling because of the inability to hold on to what they believe in, we all believe in many things and different things, but it is our ability to hold on to that which we believe in, that brings that believe into reality.
The English dictionary defined believe as "To think something is true without having proof or empirical evidence." but even with claims that we believe in something, the believe turns into doubt with a little challenge or obstacle.
Matthew 14: 25 - 31, Peter in this scripture even though believed in Jesus when he asked him to come on the sea, and he totally obeyed Jesus and started walking on the sea, but when he saw the wind, he was afraid and began to sink, he cried out "lord save me!", what made Peter to sink was the fear he had for the wind that made him to loose faith in Jesus, if not for God's mercy Peter would have died because of his inability to hold on to his believe
No matter the matter continue to hold on in what ever you believe in and you will see that believe, no matter how big it is, it will surely become a reality. * # hold_on * * # crowned_artwork



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