Thursday 8 June 2017

Je lève la main

We only praise God only when something good, quote to quote happens to us, which is not supposed to be like that.  We are supposed to praise God no matter what we are going through, but no, all we do is to just complain and started saying God, "why".
            Remember that when Lazarus died, Jesus didn't start complaining "God why"  but instead he gave praises to God and Lazarus woke up, when  the five thousand men were hungry he did the same by giving thanks and God multiple the bread and fishes that it was even enough and there were even leftovers.
           So in your hard times, instead of complaining, why don't you just lift up your hands and give praises to God, and see if that problem will still remain on your life, remember when you praise God, he come down himself to fight your battle for you.

So don't complain. Lift up your hands



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